Workshops – Reading and Writing Non Fiction
This workshop will focus on using non fiction in reading, language arts, science and social studies with special emphasis on comprehension skills. It features proven methods for helping students to acquire reading strategies; models for effective writing, and exciting non fiction to motivate students for reading, writing and research projects.
During this Workshop Educators will:
Discover comprehension strategies for easy-to-read non fiction that describe, compare, categorize, sequence, show cause and effect and problem/solution.
Show students the “tricks” professional authors use to write exciting non fiction
Learn about data banks and easy reporting models so that students can share information without copying
Find out about the best web sites for research
Examine and use cyberguides that link favorite picture books with research
Identify readiness for each stage of reading.
More Topics to be Explored:
Thinking processes essential for non fiction readers
Comprehension skills made easy.
Students children as non fiction writers
Teaching basic skills without “basalizing” literature
Easy research projects !n which students take pride
Building a strong working vocabulary
Developing critical reading and critical listening skills
Integrating non-fiction trade books in the reading program
Thinking skills essential for independent learning
Evaluation tools
A Workshop Day Speaking Directly to Your Concerns:
Children are naturally curious and finding the appropriate materials and strategies for helping them to explore the real world can be a challenge. Helping teachers to meet this challenge is what this workshop is all about.