A. Topic Talking:
Assign partners. Partner A talks to B until you
say 'switch.' Then B talks to A on the same topic
until you say 'stop.' Have three rounds, each a
little longer than the previous round. Topics are
related in general to the book to be read. |
B. Topic Focusing
Answer these questions about sled dogs. Guess if
you do not know.
1. How many breeds of dogs can pull sleds?
2. How many miles can a team pull a led in one
3. How many dogs are on an average team?
4. How many pounds can a team pull?
5. How many teeth does a dog have?
6. How many miles does the Iditarod dog race
cover? |
C. Problem Solving
Ten-year-old Willy is worried. Grandfather will
not get out of bed and the doctor says there is
nothing she can do. "Some folks", she
says, "just decide to stop living."
Then Willy discovers that $500. 00 in taxes are
due on the farm and if not paid, the tax
collector will take the farm. What can Willy do
to save grandfather and the farm? List your ideas
on the grid below. Score each idea using the
criteria. One = no, two= maybe and 3= yes.
D. A Question to Ponder:
Why do you think Stone Fox let Willy win
the race? |
E. Write an acrostic poem
about Stone Fox. See the example about Willy.
W orked to grow potatoes
I gnored Stone Fox's previous wins
L oved grandfather
L ost his dog
Y es I can! was his motto. |
F. Write about the State of
Wyoming with the "Coming Around the Mountain"
model that follows:
She'll be coming from (capital) when she comes
She'll be coming from (large city) when she comes
She'll bring (three products)
She'll bring (three crops)
She'll be coming from Wyoming when she comes. |