About the Book
When Mouse
lets his best friend, Rabbit, play with his brand new airplane,
trouble isn't far behind. Rabbit means well but he is much bigger
than Mouse and when he tries to launch the plane it ends up in a
tree, too high to reach. Rabbit tells Mouse not to worry since he
has an idea. Rabbit gathers together lost animals and gets them to
climb on each other. A tall tree of animals results with rhino on
top of elephant, hippo on top of rhino, antelope on top of hippo,
crocodile on top of antelope, bear on top of crocodile, goose on top
of bear, and squirrel on top of goose holding mouse. Reaching for
the plane proves to be a disaster when the animal ladder collapses
sending the animals bouncing every which way. Mouse is left hanging
on to the wing of the plane which is still stuck in the tree.
Finally the plane is rescued but trouble looms again when Rabbit
tries to take a plane ride with mouse. This is a charming story of
toys, trouble and friendship and having a bigger playmate.
Journal Writing
Directions: Before reading the story, choose a
sentence starter to complete. You may add one or two more sentences
if you wish. Can be done orally. 1. A good friend is always... 2.
When you break a friend's toy... 3. A mouse and a rabbit are... 4.
If your toy plane was stuck in a tree... 5. One way to help a
friend... 6. When something is too high to reach... 7. Words to
describe a mouse
are... 8. Words to describe a rabbit are... |
Questions to Think About 1. Was Rabbit a
good friend? Why? 2. How many ways can you get something down that
is stuck in a tree? 3. Why do you suppose Mouse did not get madat
Rabbit? 4. Do you think Rabbit had good ideas? Why? 5. If Mouse gets
another new toy do you think hewill let Rabbit play with it? Why? 6.
Tell about a time when a friend helped you. 7. Tell about a time
when you helped a friend.
Sing the Story
Choose words from the line below to
complete each line in the song. Tune: 'Hush Little Baby'
friend..... worry..... mouse In the yard outside the house Was a Rabbit and a
(1)____________________ Oh, dear, what is that they see Plane has
landed in a (2)______________________ Get the plane down, hurry,
hurry Rabbit said, "Not to (4)____________ " The animals helped but sad
to tell The animals tumbled and they (4)______________________
Rabbit is still mouse's (5) ___________________ Now
this song comes to an end. |
Rhyming Song
Sing to "For He's a Jolly Good
Fellow" Who's a friend of a small mouse? Who's a friend of a small
mouse? Who's a friend of a small mouse? It's a word that rhymes with
Substitute other animals for the last line: It's a word that
rhymes with CARE It's a word that rhymes with LOOSE. It's a word
that rhymes with PEARL
A Word Game
Use only these letters to make
the missing words:
e r
t o s
1. Use two of the letters to make the missing word.
Rabbit wanted ___ ___ to fly the plane.
2. Take away one letter and add
two letters to make the missing word.
The animals were ____ ____ ____
one on top of the other.
3. Add one letter and move
letters around to make the
missing word.
After his airplane ride Mouse
wanted to
_____ _____ _____ _____.
4. Take away two letters and add
two letters to make the missing word.
A bump on hippo's head would
make it
____ ____ ____ ____.
5. Add one letter to make the
missing word.
Mouse bought the airplane at a
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Here is a pattern that compares
Rabbit and Mouse.
Use the same pattern to compare
Bear and Elephant.
If I
had the ears of a rabbit
I would hear that Mouse got a
new toy
And I'd have soft white fur and
pink eyes
But I wouldn't have gray fur
And a long tail
Because only Mouse has that.
The Mystery Toy
Choose a toy you might find in
a toy store.. Write six clues about the toy. Number them 1-6. One
clue must be a 'give away' clue. Ask a classmate to give you a
number between one and six. Read the fact for that number. If the
student passes, call on another classmate to give you a different
number. The game continues until the mystery animal is guessed, or
all clues are read. EXAMPLE: 1. I can move. 2. I have more than one
part to me. 3. I can make noise. 4. I am not an animal. 5. My name
rhymes with rain. 6. I often go round and round
(Answer: Train) |
About Mice
Work with a friend to answer
these questions yes or no. Guess if you do not know the answers.
1. ____ The house mouse is dull
gray in color.
2. ____ Mice belong to the same
family as rats.
3. ____ Snakes like to eat mice.
4. ____ Mice eat a lot but often
spoil more than they use.
5. ____ A mouse can kill a tree
by gnawing away the bark.
After you have guessed the
answers to the above statements, find a book about mice or use the
encyclopedia to prove or disprove your answers.
Use the facts you find to write
a mouse song.
A mouse is dull gray
A mouse is dull gray
This is a fact about a mouse
A mouse is dull gray.
(Sing to the tune of 'The Farmer
in the Dell')
A mouse
A mouse
This is a fact about a mouse.
A ________________________________________ |