Directions: Choose a character: Mr. Lyte, Mr. Lapham, or
Johnny Tremain. Tell what your character would do in each
situation that follows.
Your character is alone at night on a dark, deserted street and hears footsteps approaching.
B. Your character is at the supermarket and knocks over a barrel
of apples, spilling them all over the floor.
C. Your character answers the door to find a homeless person
asking for food.
D. Your character is given the choice of attending a symphony
concert or a rock festival.
E. Your character has done a difficult job for agreed-upon pay
and the employer refuses to pay.
F. Your character is alone in a strange land where no one speaks
the character's language and wants directions for getting home.
G. Your character is on horseback out west and faces a herd of
stampeding cattle.
H. Your character was left home alone by mistake. The family
won't return for three days.
Character ____________________________________
A. __________________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________________
D. __________________________________________________________
E. __________________________________________________________
F. __________________________________________________________
G. __________________________________________________________
H. __________________________________________________________