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© 2006 Nancy Polette 

1. Topic Talking: 
Speak to a partner on each of these topics. Speakers switch when the teacher so directs. 

2. Work with a small group to answer these questions. GUESS if you do not know. Total the answers. 
The total is _________ (Obj. Support assertions about text with evidence) 
A. How many legs does a spider have? ____ 
> B. How many eyes does a spider have? ___ 
C. How many body parts does a spider have?____ 
> D. How many rows of eyes does a spider have? __

3. Problem solving. 
How can Miss Muffet get rid of the spider? ( Obj: Problem solving)

List ideas here Fast Low Cost Safe Effective Total

 Score: 1=NO, 2=MAYBE,  3=YES   

4. Introducing Charlotte's Web. 
The Pre Reading Journal. Write for five minutes on one of the following open-ended sentence starters. Be prepared to read aloud what you have written to a small group. 
(Obj. Generate a reading log or journal) 
A. Taking care of a baby pig 
B. Things found in a barn
C. Being lonely means 
D. Having a big problem to solve

5. Responding to the literature. 
(Obj. Produce a report organized for a specific purpose) 

Select a verb Select a Topic Select a product
Describe the characters of Charlotte and Wilbur poem
Summarize the plot of the story song 
Compare different kinds of spiders fact & fiction book 

Example: I will summarize the plot of the story in a song. Tune: "My Bonnie Lies Over Ocean" 

Oh this is a song about C___________ 
A S_____________ so gentle and good
Who promised a small pig named W________ 
She'd save him if anyone could. 
W_______, C___________ and Templeton  lived on a tidy farm 
C ________________ promised 
To rescue poor W____________ from harm.

6. Beginning Research Reports
A. Create a Fact and Fiction book about spiders. Make a statement about a spider on one page and on the next page, tell your reader whether the statement is fact or fiction and why.
B. Write a London Bridge song about spiders. Tell one thing a spider does and two thing a spider has and sing the song. 
A brown recluse hides in a box 
Hides in a box, hides in a box 
A brown recluse has a poison bite 
And two rows of eyes.